Saturday, July 16, 2016

Android Studio Road Show- Chennai

Android Studio Road Show(ASRS) conducted at Raintree hotel, Chennai on 16th July 2016 which was interactive and shared a lot by Speakers.

Before attending, Google provided a Pre-work list.

Laptop with the following packages installed:
Newest version ofAndroid Studio (2.1+ )
Newest version of the Android SDK
Google Play Services, latest version available through SDK Manager
JAVA JDK (1.7).
Python 2.7 (not Python 3.x)
Finally, you should have an Android device connected to your computer via USB cable that can be used to run tests.
Android Marshmallow or greater is preferred because it will maximize the harness' functionality.
And provided sample codes to be downloaded.

Event started around 9 am and Mustafa Ali gave short intro and sessions what are all to be covered. It was split into two session where after post lunch session, it will be code lab session where coding will be practised. Let me cover some topics what are all discussed in ASRS.

Event first started by AMRIT SANJEEV.

Covered topics in latest Android Studio are as follows

1. Associate Android Developer Certification:

You can now prove your Android Development skills by earning an Associate Android Developer Certification. Earning this certification will be a definitive step on your path to a career as an Android Developer.

Google Certification

2.  LaunchPad:

LaunchPad  mission is to provide you with the technology, events, online resources, expertise and community necessary to launch and scale successful apps. The Launchpad program leverages Google’s infrastructure, together with UX reviews, mentorship, and events, to let startups anywhere focus on building, distributing, and monetizing your app, everywhere.

Launch Pad

3. GPU Profiler:

The GPU Debugging Tools are not installed by default; you’ll need to add it before you can use it.  You can find them in the SDK tools section of your SDK manager. It generally helpful for debugging or rendering for gamers.

4. Firebase plugin for Android Studio:

You can install firebase plugin in below steps:
Click Tools > Android > SDK Manager.
Click the SDK Tools tab.
Select Google Repository, then click OK.
Open the Assistant window by clicking Tools > Firebase.
Click to expand one of the listed features such as Analytics then click the Get Started tutorial to create a new Firebase project or connect to an existing one in a few clicks.

FireBase Plugin

5. APK Analyzer:

Drill  your APK to help you reduce your APK size, debug 64K method limit issues, view contents of Dex files and more.
You can find it in Build > Analyze APK to monitor which file takes maximum size-  made sure we didn’t ship unused resources, used vectors over PNGs in almost every case to reduce apk size.Method count analysis
Analyse area that need to be improved.

6. New Editor:

This new user interface designer lets you drag and drop widgets from the palette to the design surface or the component tree view of your app and offers a blueprint mode to inspect the spacing and arrangement of your layout, a Properties panel for quick widget edits, and an UI builder for editing menu and system preference files.

7.  Constraint Layout: 

Android Studio 2.2 Preview includes a new layout editor that's specially-built for a new layout called ConstraintLayout.
Once you drag-and-drop a view into ConstraintLayout, you can add constraints to define the view's position by dragging an anchor line to other elements in the layout.

8. Expresso Test Generator (For Testing): 

Espresso Test Recorder is a new feature released in Android Studio 2.2 Preview 3 that makes it easy to generate automated UI tests by recording your own interactions on a device so you don't have to actually write any test code
Go through the flow like a user. Add assertions while you are recording. Save the test and run on emulator or cloud test lab.

9. Cloud Test Lab Support.

10. Layout Inspector

The session ends with small recap in a three split

Design                          Develop
Layout Editor                Firebase    
Constraint Layout         Sample Search  
Layout inspector           Lint Analysis
Build                              Testing
Instant Run                  Firebase Test Lab
Project Structure         Expresso Test Recorder
Jack Compiler             Apk Analyser

Note: Jack compiler won't work in instant run!!!

The next session was handled with Android Monitor.
In some cases, Logcat goes too long and user can't track and simply need to scroll till end to see the logs. To avoid this, you can simply wrap the text to next line instead of scrolling horizontally till the end.
Below screenshot shows, before and after applying soft wrap.

Before Applying Soft wrap:

After Applying Soft wrap:

Mostly developers can reduce using Logs in code and can switch over to Hierarchy viewer and Evaluator Expression.


Generates pseudo random stream of user events such as clicks, touches, or gestures, as well as a number of system-level events. Take care of your own device, if you test! :P As name implies, Testing is like a monkey behaviour :P :P

Vector Asset Studio: 

It supports from android 5.0 +
In Android Studio, open an Android app project.
In the Project window, select the Android view.
Right-click the res folder and select New > Vector Asset.
For more refer here: Vector Asset Studio
It was handled by Mustafao and the session ends.

Next Session was UI/UX handled by  Ghanashyam.S 

Material Design: 

Just an overview about Material Design. Why Material Design been introduced. Components of Material Design are.
1. Bottom Sheets
2. Cordinator Layout -> Specific interaction with one or more child views.
3. Floating Action Button
4. Navigation View.
5. Tabs
6. SnackBar

Advantages of Bottom Sheets:
Bottom Sheets can be used in two types.
1. Modal -> Temporary purpose. For eg: sharing by pop out from down sheet where user can close that window.
2. Persistant -> Comes from down to top and stay on screen.
    Bottom Sheet link:  Bottom Sheet

Session ends..

Next Session is about Testing in Android Studio.
It covers about
1. Hermetic Testing.
2. Flaky Testing.
3. In Build variants -> mock debug, production debug, Release debug.
4. Mockito
After lunch, it purely about code practice session especially in testing.

Provided links and sample code to run and test it.
CodeLabs Training
Code Labs Training 2

Architecture  follow-> MVP. Not to dump everything in Activity/Fragment. Separate code with Model, View and Presenter.


Systrace is a tool that will help you analyze the performance of your application by capturing and displaying execution times of your applications processes and other Android system processes.
Need to enable in device.  Settings->Profile gpu rendering on..

And finally Q &A session...........and comes to an end at around 5.30 pm.
Hope covered session conducted by ASRS. Sorry if I might have missed topics too..

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